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Author: ronaldpj

VCF on VCD: Upgrade to VCF 5

VCF on VCD: Upgrade to VCF 5

Normally I am not that much into “step by step” upgrades of any kind, but since VCF 5 dropped today, I thought, maybe show how incredibly simple upgrading is. So first of all, make sure that you see the version within “Release Versions”: Then we can go and download the necessary components, in “Bundle Management”: There we download all the necessary bundles: Once the bundles have downloaded, we can start the updates. First step is doing a Precheck, to make…

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VCF on VCD – Password expired

VCF on VCD – Password expired

Because I created a template and redeployed this template a couple of months later, the password for the root account of the SDDC Manager ánd the root account of the vCenter server had expired. This led to a non-functioning SDDC Manager: And logging showed that there was an issue with a password: Changing the root password for the SDDC Manager wasn’t that big of an issue, just open a console, try to log in as root, and change the password,…

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VCF on VCD: Shut down

VCF on VCD: Shut down

I received a request if it would be possible to get a copy of the environment so far. And to get a clean copy, it’s nice to have no VM’s running in the vAPPs. So It’s time to shut down the environment (and after that, power it back on again). So as a reminder,this is the environment we currently have (from a “physical” perspective): We are following these steps: Shutdown WLD’s First of all, we will be shutting down the…

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What is a TAM @VMware? (a personal journey)

What is a TAM @VMware? (a personal journey)

I usually write technical content on my blog, because I have a passion for the technical part of my job, but I also love a lot of other aspects that make up my job. Both my day-to-day ánd “extra-curricular” activities. And maybe the titel is not the best fit for the question that I want to answer in this blog, maybe it should be: “What is this TAM @VMware?” Because every TAM is unique. We do have more or less…

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VCF on VCD: 4a – Stretched Clustering

VCF on VCD: 4a – Stretched Clustering

I shortened the name of the blog-series, to make it a little easier on the eyes. I mentioned in my previous blog that I was going to build another VCF instance and make that a stretched cluster. However, I thought, technically it should be possible to change the already built VCF02 environment to that. The only thing that I need to do is change the IP-assignment on the NSX-TEP’s. Please note, this is nót (I repeat NOT) a supported method!…

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VCF on VCD: 3b – Second VCF environment – Management Domain+WLD+Housekeeping

VCF on VCD: 3b – Second VCF environment – Management Domain+WLD+Housekeeping

When I have a new purpose in my mind, I want to move forward. So after preparing the infrastructure, I moved ahead with deploying the Management Domain, the Workload Domain and some housekeeping tasks (like backups and certificates). Most of this I have already documented in earlier blogs, but this blog will mention some differences and also show the ultimate goal (in a nice picture). The target environment is: I changed the IP addresses and the VLAN’s of the components…

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VCF on VCD: 3a – Second VCF environment – Infra preparation

VCF on VCD: 3a – Second VCF environment – Infra preparation

Edit (January 6th, 2023). Because I used some VLANs and subnets I had already used for the WLD of the original deployment, I have changed this article to reflect the ultimate target environment. Okay, I said I would go on and configure NSX-T and create some applications on top of the WLD, but in the meantime, I had another idea that I first want to pursue. I want to evolve the environment I have into an enterprise-like platform and include…

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VCF on VCD: 2b – Back-ups

VCF on VCD: 2b – Back-ups

In my previous blog ( I did the certificates, this time, we are going to configure the back-ups of the different components in the VCF environment. I’ll describe the following activities: Create SFTP site on my Windows DC If you already have an SFTP site, you can of course use that. I didn’t have one yet, so I thought it would be interesting to describe that process as well, for future reference (for myself as much as for anyone else…

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VCF on VCD: 2a – Certificates

VCF on VCD: 2a – Certificates

I know, I wrote in my previous blog ( that the next steps would be related to networking and creating application, but there are a couple of housekeeping activities that need to be completed, before moving on. Therefore, this 2a blog, before I can deploy the networking components (and a 2b is to follow). What we need to do are the following things: Configure Certicifates By default all the components have a self-signed certificate installed. That might be fine for…

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VCF on VCD: 2 – Workload Domain

VCF on VCD: 2 – Workload Domain

I created the Management Domain environment, on top of VCD (described in the previous blog) and now I will add a Workload Domain to the environment and after that, add an additional host to the cluster. When creating the Management Domain I already prepared a little bit for the Workload Domain. I added one extra host (empty) to the environment and that will be my basis for the new WLD. The first WLD I will create will consist of four…

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