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Category: Aria

VCF on VCD: Importing Other Aria Components

VCF on VCD: Importing Other Aria Components

First I deployed Aria Suite LifeCycle Manager (although still called vRealize for that version):, then I deployed vIDM (, but if I now want to deploy additional components, we don’t get to choose the size, below a certain threshold. For instance, if I want to deploy Aria Automation (vRealize Automation), it’s minimum size is clustered. Aria Operations (vRealize Operations or vROPs) is minimum “Medium”: So I will deploy the Aria Suite products manually and then import them into Aria…

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VCF on VCD: Aria/vRealize Suite LifeCycle Manager

VCF on VCD: Aria/vRealize Suite LifeCycle Manager

After deploying the Edge Clusters on both VCF environments and creating and connecting the T0’s, it’s time to deploy some Aria Suite components. For this I will first be deploying the Aria Suite LifeCycle Manager (or vRealize, as it is still called, because of the version), from within the SDDC Manager. After that is completed, I can use this appliance to deploy and manage the Aria components. This is a split between the two control components SDDC Manager and Aria…

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VCF on VCD: VMware Identity Manager

VCF on VCD: VMware Identity Manager

After deploying Aria Suite LifeCycle Manager (although it was still called vRealize then), we go and deploy VMware Identity Manager (vIDM). For this we have a couple of requirements: First, we have to populate the ASLCM with the correct product. For now, we are just going to download VMware Identity Manager 3.3.7. For this, we go to: (there are more boxes to the right, but for the sake of grabbing the screen, I omitted those). And click on Add binaries:…

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