Who’s up for a vCommunity Challenge?
This is your chance to speak at a vCommunity Event: vNS or vMA TechCon is looking for speakers!
We are going to do it again! On October 1st the second edition of the vMA & vNS Technology Conference (TechCon) will take place at Inn-Style in Maarssen. New this year is that we have combined both events on one day, so you have the chance to attend sessions from both the vMA TechCon and the vNSTechCon.
To provide you with a little background on the vMA & vNSTechCon:
- The vNSTechCon is focussed on the Cloud Network and has everything to do with software defined networking and security. Keywords are #SDN, #NSX, #SD-WAN, #velocloud #AppDefense;
- The vMA TechCon is focussed on cloud management and automation & orchestration. That’s everything about vRealize Automation, vRealize Orchestrator, Cloud Automation Services, Puppet, Infrastructure as Code (IAC) and more.
Both events are initiated by a few prominent VMware partners together with the VMware Netherlands team. In 2018 the first edition of both the vMA and vNSTechCon took place, in 2019 we are running the second edition. TechCon is no commercial event, is about the technology & community.
Agenda and Call for Papers
We’re aiming for an interesting agenda for both events! As stated before, the vMA & vNSTechCon will take place at the same day and at the same location so you’re free to choose the sessions that have your interest.
We will start the day with a keynote; after that we will have two parallel tracks. Lunches, breaks, as well as the barbecue at the end of the day will be together with both the attendees of the vMA & vNSTechCon.
If you want to be speaker at one of the TechCons, then you have the opportunity to submit your paper today. More information about the vMA TechCon Call for Papers is here, the vNS TechCon Call for Papers is here. We’re looking for great content in the space of #sdn #sdwan #microsegmentation #automation #orchestration #cloudmanagement #configurationmanagement #containers #containermanagement.

Feel free to contact us if you’re not sure if your presentation fits the event. More details at the Call for Papers information pages mentioned above.
Registration is on-line!
Registration for both events is on-line now. Notice that you don’t have to register for both events individually. Presentations at both TechCons are in Dutch, unless the presenter is an international speaker; in that case the presentation will be in English.
Because we’ve combined the events we have just one registration page for both events. So just register once, you have access to both events and both break out tracks. If you’re registering we expect that you will attend. If you’re unable to attend, please let us know so somebody else can take your seat. Thank you.
We hope to meet you at the 1st of October at Inn Style in Maarssen.